“Reiterpistolelefthand” by Memecry2 – Own work. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.
Intrepid investigators with information and facts about the everyday world they live in. Rather than being forced to ask your keeper for information about your world, you may now turn to the Investigator's Companion. Filled with facts about the world, you can learn what research facilities are available, what sorts of equipment. The Investigator's Guide to the Secret War is the definitive guide to the late 1930s and 40s for use by players and Keepers alike. Requires the Call of Cthulhu 6th Edition or Savage Worlds Rulebook to play. Don't miss the Achtung! Cthulhu Keeper's Guide to the Secret War, also available now.
When an investigator is injured or wounded, subtract the loss from the amount currently shown on the investigators sheet. Unless a keeper decrees otherwise, or unless losing half or more of current hit points from a single attack, an injured investigator function normally until lowered to 2 hit points or fewer, and then goes unconscious or dies. Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition Cheatsheet v1.4 Skill Checks. (Firearms and Thrown weapons always require a skill roll). Melee (Brawl) Attacks. Check failing a pushed casting roll on page 178. Successful SAN roll cure the investigator. 51-95: No progress. Regain 1 magic point per hour. 96-100: Remove 1D6 SAN. Wounds and Healing.
There has been a new episode of the Miskatonic University podcast. This time their guest is Brian Sammons, who talks about a number of upcoming projects – editing World War Cthulhu (a fiction anthology), the scenario collection Doors to Darkness, and his campaign A Time to Harvest (about which he says very little, but consider my interest piqued). I kind of wished they had asked about his work in the 7th Ed revamp of Arkham Unveiled, but I suppose that will come eventually… They also talk about guns (auto-fire, shotguns, and ‘howdah pistols’ specifically) but, inexplicably, don’t mention Sixtystone’s outstanding Investigator Weapons vol. 1. I guess I know what I’m getting them for Christmas…
Protodimension magazine still needs submissions for its next issue. This is something I am particularly attuned to working on the Arkham Gazette; I’m checking my folder of half baked ideas seeing if I have something they might find useful.
After some discussion here in our comments section, I’ve decided to lower my pledge (temporarily) for Pagan’s Horrors of War scenario collection Kickstarter to $1 to show my support for a PDF release of the book. I may not work, but I truly do think the lack of a PDF option is holding the project (which I have been eagerly awaiting for many years now) back. (For example, the Feng-Shui 2 Kickstarter, which I’m sure is a fine game but one I am utterly indifferent to despite Robin Laws all but leaping from my iPhone and insisting I buy a copy, has hit $30,000 in under 24 hours. Golden Goblin Press’ Horrore Cosmico Kickstarter is closing on $17,000 after less than a week. Please John Crowe, reconsider a PDF option.)
Call Of Cthulhu Weapon List
Call Of Cthulhu Western Weapons
Creates the effect of an invisible blade which can be used to cut and slash victims. This immaterial weapon can be used at a range in yards equal to the caster’s POW x3. Damage is 1D6 per round. The spell takes 2 rounds to cast and costs 2 sanity points and 2 magic points. For each additional round of effect, the caster must pay another 2 magic points.
A spectral Razor target must be visible. If concealed or half hidden behind obstacles or obstructions, the damage is done to intervening objects until the keeper believes enough damage has been done that the target is visible and vulnerable.