Autocad For Mac Tool Bar Not Dispalyed

The Autodesk product teams receive several emails from the Autodesk Product Feedback Form. Your feedback goes to the products teams and they read them. In many cases team members respond if there is enough detail and time permitting but they can’t respond to every feedback submission, but do try to help when they can.

At the top-left of the application window, on the right end of the Quick Access toolbar, click the drop-down menu Show Menu Bar. To display the menu, click Quick Access Toolbar drop-down Show Menu Bar. To display a toolbar, click Tools menu Toolbars and select the required toolbar. How do I dock the command bar in AutoCAD? Dock the Command Window. Right-click any empty area of the toolbar and select Customize Toolbar. Drag any of the provided sets of tools onto the toolbar.

The View tab is not displayed by default, so an alternative method is to enter VIEW at the Command prompt. You can also employ the ViewCube in the top-right corner of the drawing area. Select a preset view (Top, Bottom, Left, and so on). How to change the background color in Autodesk's AutoCAD drawing software.

This solution on the Menubar and Toolbars is by AutoCAD Test Development’s Chris Miller.

So you like to have AutoCAD look and feel like previous classic release. This is one of the powerful traits of AutoCAD and that is it can be customized seven ways from Sunday.

How To Get Toolbar In Autocad

You can restore the standard Menubar and Toolbars by using the command: WSCURRENT and setting this system variable to AutoCAD Classic. In the more recent AutoCAD releases this setting is available from the quick access toolbar in the upper left of the screen:

Once this workspace is restored you can right-click any toolbar and check to display other toolbars you may want.


You can even get your current AutoCAD to look like AutoCAD R12 many many years ago.

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The first Update for AutoCAD for Mac has just been released for download. AutoCAD 2011 for Mac Update 1

  • AutoCADforMacUpdate1.dmg (dmg - 31721Kb)
    Readme (pdf - 128Kb)

There has been a wide variety of fixes in this update based on your feedback and CER reports.

Problems Reported with the Customer Error Reporting Utility
As a result of detailed information from customers who used the Customer Error Reporting (CER) Utility, a number of problems were identified and fixed. Updates have been made to the following features:

  • 2D Display
  • 3D Selection
  • File Navigation
  • General UI
  • Graphic System
  • Hatch
  • Install
  • Layers
  • Open/Save
  • Properties Inspector
  • Quick View Tools
  • Start-up

General changes and improvements have been made to the following features:

AutoCAD for Mac is no longer unstable when deleting certain hatch objects.

Memory Use
Some memory leaks have been fixed to improve memory consumption.

Palette & Toolbar Icons
Palette and toolbar icons should always be displayed.

PDF output quality has been improved.

How To Display Toolbars In Autocad

On systems that do not meet the minimum system requirements, a message is displayed when AutoCAD for Mac is launched.
Splash screen should always disappear.

Text Style
Xref-dependent text styles can no longer be set current.

For more support info about AutoCAD for Mac see: AutoCAD for Mac Services & Support

Autocad For Mac Tool Bar Not Displayed Download
