Analytical Driver Amiable Expressive Test

Analytical Driver Amiable Expressive Test

Analytical Driver Amiable Expressive Tests

  • The Driving Style

    The Driving Style: Controlling, Decisive & Fast-paced

    People with a Driving Style are seen by others as direct, active, forceful and determined. They initiate social interaction and they focus their efforts and the efforts of others on the goals and objectives they wish to get accomplished.

    Their Need: Results

    Their Orientation: Action

    Their Growth Action: To Listen

  • The Expressive Style

    The Expressive Style: Enthusiastic & Emotional

    People with an Expressive Style tend to be more willing to make their feelings known to others. They can appear to react impulsively and openly show both positive and negative feelings. They are typically described by others as personable, talkative and sometimes opinionated.

    Their Need: Personal Approval

    Their Orientation: Spontaneity

    Their Growth Action: To Check

  • The Amiable Style

    The Amiable Style: Friendly, Supportive & Relationship-driven

    People with an Amiable Style openly display their feelings to others. They appear less demanding and generally more agreeable than others. They are interested in achieving a rapport with others who often describe them as informal, casual and easy going.

    Their Need: Personal Security

    Their Orientation: Relationships

    Their Growth Action: To Initiate

  • The Analytical Style

    The Analytical Style: Thoughtful, Reserved & Slow-paced

    People with an Analytical Style are typically described by others as quiet, logical and sometimes reserved or cautious. They tend to appear distant from others and may not communicate unless there is a specific need to do so.

    Their Need: To Be Right

    Their Orientation: Thinking

    Their Growth Action: To Declare

Analytical Driver Amiable Expressive Test

Driver Amiable Analytical Expressive Test Printable

Four social styles exist in the workplace — Analytical, Driver, Amiable, and Expressive. To improve your ability to manage feedback, it’s essential to understand who gives it. Here are tips on how to receive feedback from each personality style. Feedback from an Analytical The Analytical is reserved, slow-paced, and cautious. When you understand personality traits - including whether you are an Amiable, a Driver personality type, an Analytical, or Expressive you are able to talk to strangers in the way they want to hear you. After understanding personal styles you will know how to. Expressive Amiable Analytical These styles are defined by two behavioral variables or dimensions: assertiveness. Personality test have calculated that about one third of the population is extroverted. Merrill-Reid Driver Expressive Amiable Analytical D.E.S.A. Dominant Expressive Solid Analytical Hippocrates Greek Terms.